Auto Burglary Prevention Tips Naples Florida

Auto Burglary Prevention Tips Naples Florida
Season 2016 is underway and while Naples Florida is still an extremely safe place to live, the Naples Police Department urges residents and visitors to assist the deterrence of crime by following a few common practices.
Here are some prevention tips from the Naples Police Department to keep your car safe:
- Raise your windows and lock all of your doors
- Remove all valuables from your vehicle when you leave the car and keep things out of plain sight
- Do not keep valuables in your car any longer than necessary; especially not overnight
- Park your vehicle in busy, well lit areas or in your garage
- Utilize motion light or exterior lights on your residence that may illuminate your vehicle at night
- Set your vehicle alarm or anti-theft device
- Do not leave vehicle keys or fobs inside the car unattended
What to do if your car is burglarized
As soon as you notice your car is burglarized do not touch or adjust anything in or around the vehicle. Call the Police as soon as possible to report the crime.
If you see any suspicious people, cars or activity in your neighborhood, please contact the Naples Police Department by calling 239-213-4844.