Naples Real Estate Market Update 2016 Park Shore, Moorings, Coquina Sands & Pelican Bay The above neighborhoods are reviewed showing a 5 minute recap of the Naples Real Estate Market Update 2016. If you do not see your community listed,…
Considering buying a Condo on the beach in Naples Florida? If you are in the market to buy your dream condo with the beach view you have always wanted, now is a great time to buy, however there a few…
Why more than just home prices need to be considered when buying in Naples Florida Typically in real estate, any home $1 million and over are considered in the luxury market, but is that really the case in Naples Florida?…
Most buyers know that they do not pay for any realtor fees during a home transaction but exactly what does a buyer pay for at closing? Most obviously, the house! Ok, Ok, we aren’t here to talk about the…