Don’t Miss The Homestead Tax Exemption Deadline!

March 1st is the Homestead Tax Exemption Deadline
If you bought a home within the last year, don’t forget that Tuesday, March 1st, is the last day to file for your homestead tax exemption! When someone owns property and makes it his or her permanent residence or the permanent residence of his or her dependent, the property owner may be eligible to receive a homestead exemption up to $50,000. The first $25,000 applies to all property taxes, including school district taxes. The additional exemption up to $25,000 applies to the assessed value between $50,000 and $75,000 and only to non-school taxes.
- If you are moving from a previous Florida homestead to a new homestead in Florida, you may be able to transfer, or “port,” all or part of your homestead assessment difference.
- First-time Homestead Exemption applicants and persons applying for the Homestead Assessment Difference (Portability) and homeowners renewing their Senior Citizen Exemption can file online.
- You should complete all required forms and applications for the exemption and file them with your county property appraiser. If the property appraiser denies your application, you may file a petition with the county’s value adjustment board.
- If any of these changes occurs and the owner fails to notify the Office of the Property Appraiser, the property owner can be back-assessed for 10 years of exempted taxes, plus 15% interest per annum and a penalty of 50% of the taxes exempted.
For EVERYTHING you need to know, click on the pdf below
What You Need To Know About Homestead Tax Exemption